
Subaru Safety Infographics Videos


AGENCY: Designory, Inc.

CLIENT: Subaru of America

ROLES: Art Direction/Illustrator

TEAM: Creative Director, Art Director/Illustrator, Editor/Motion Artist, Strategist & Project Manager



SUBARU ask the Designory to create cost effective, easily-updatable assets to showcase their safety features in a digestible way. We suggested:

  • to explore the Global Platform Frame that showcases the importance of the engineering details

  • Utilize statistics to help tell the story of Subaru’s strongest frame

  • to explore the Active Safety Features that would showcase real-world benefits of the Subaru active safety technologies

  • Both should be easy-to-understand infographics that don’t make the statics seem so haunting

  • These deliverables would ideally be featured on Subaru.com, Retailer Showrooms and Autoshow Conventions

  • The deliverables would be a printed poster and wall decal

  • We also suggested two video executions if the clients felt comfortable with that direction



Trade Show & Retailer Platforms

Working with my copywriter and strategist, we picked out safety statistics that could easily be translated and understood with light hearted illustrations drawn by me.

The idea was to utilize a wall of the SUBARU Autoshow booth or an installation wall at a retailer’s showroom and showcase our infographics in a bigger than life display. We would also have single sheet flyer that would have the same information that could be handed out at either location.

With these pieces in mind, we suggested a potential interactive display for the showrooms along with providing graphics for the website.

SUBARU was pleased with what we came back with and asked if we could move forward with the 2 additional animated videos.

Designed/Illustrated by Myself



The Storyboard

Now that we had sold through two extra videos our timeline had gotten really crunched. Working along side my copywriter, motion artist and strategist we flew through our storyboards and script creations. I drew out every key frame for our initial animatic and worked on getting talent for the voice over and combed through music tracks that would fit both videos. I worked with our motion artist to figure out transitions and movement per frame before we dropped in the tracks. Here is a piece of the story board ideation for the Active safety video.

Designed/Illustrated by Myself

Active Safety intro frames



Active Safety Video

We launched on Youtube and the views took off. The reaction was very positive from both the client and Subi fans. Along with the video itself we also included YouTube specific deliverables such as an endcard that allowed for next step CTAs and two thumbnails that would be A + B tested for performance.


Global Platform Video

Similar to the sister video the launched on Youtube was very positive from both the client and Subi fans. Along with the video itself we also included YouTube specific deliverables such as an endcard that allowed for next step CTAs and two thumbnails that would be A + B tested for performance.


Website Deliverables

For Subaru.com we provided an animated GIF banner CTAs that would link to the safety pages that would incorporate the videos and more statistics to tell this safety story even further.

Designed/Illustrated by Myself



  • Delivered 2 illustrated videos with custom thumbnails for youtube

  • Animated GIF banners for Subaru.com

  • Created updatable infographics that are factual and easy to understand

  • Guided clients into a new style and design of telling stories